ALICe documentation

Model terminate

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Model terminate

Cited in: [ColonS01].

Tags: complexity, termination.



Source code

model main {

  var ell, i, j, k;

  states start, lbl_7_2, stop;

  transition t_16 := {
    from   := start;
    to     := lbl_7_2;
    guard  := i <= 100 && j <= k;
    action := ell' = i, i' = j, j' = i + 1, k' = k - 1;

  transition t_15 := {
    from   := start;
    to     := stop;
    guard  := 101 <= i || k + 1 <= j;
    action := ;

  transition t_13 := {
    from   := lbl_7_2;
    to     := stop;
    guard  := 101 <= i || k + 1 <= j;
    action := ;

  transition t_14 := {
    from   := lbl_7_2;
    to     := lbl_7_2;
    guard  := i <= 100 && j <= k;
    action := ell' = i, i' = j, j' = i + 1, k' = k - 1;


strategy main_s {

  Region init := {state = start};


Expected invariant

{ lbl_7_2[v1, v2, 1 + v1, v4] : v4 >= -1 + v2 and v1 <= 100 }


  • With Aspic: { lbl_7_2[ell, i, 1 + ell, k] : k >= -1 + i and ell <= 100; start[ell, i, j, k]; stop[ell, i, j, k] } (0.21s), OK.
  • With ISL: { start[ell, i, j, k]; lbl_7_2[ell__1, i__1, 1 + ell__1, k__1] : (ell__1 <= 100 and k__1 >= -1 + i__1) or (k__1 >= -1 + i__1 and ell__1 <= 100); stop[ell__1, i__1, j__1, k__1] : k__1 <= -1 + j__1 or i__1 >= 101; stop[ell__1, i__1, 1 + ell__1, k__1] : (ell__1 <= 100 and k__1 >= -1 + i__1 and k__1 <= ell__1) or (ell__1 <= 100 and k__1 >= -1 + i__1 and k__1 <= ell__1) or (ell__1 <= 100 and k__1 >= -1 + i__1 and i__1 >= 101) or (ell__1 <= 100 and k__1 >= -1 + i__1 and i__1 >= 101) } (0.04s), OK.

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